Creating a website from scratch is both exciting and frightening! Setting a budget, finding good advice, and picking a smart place to get started are all thorny problems you’ll have to face. The article below is a collection of tips that will cover some of the design basics so that you can start today.
Make sure you put your website through the NoScript test. Try downloading the Firefox extension and activating to make sure your website is readable. Some content is unable to work without the proper scripts.
A site that is going to be successful must work with all browsers. This is why it is vital that you test all your pages to ensure that they properly display in all the various browsers. What may work great in Firefox, may not work well in Internet Explorer or Chrome. Before you website is launched, test the display of each page in all major browsers.
Go through all links on any page on your website carefully to make sure there are no links that are broken before you upload the page. People will become frustrated if they a link leads them to a broken page. Most people choose one of the many programs or extensions available that verify working links but it can also be completed manually if you only have a few to do.
Consider your website’s background carefully. Many sites make use of background images in the animated GIF format. Sometimes this provides an excellent effect; at other times it can make the text of your page illegible. Choose a background that accentuates what your site already has to offer, rather than works against it. This will help get your message across to your visitors.
Ensure people can easily scan your information. Most visitors won’t actually read everything you write and will skim for what they want. Having text in certain areas to create a more bold appearance will catch the attention of readers who quickly scan each page. It is also important that the key information is at the top of each page. This helps the visitors see the important stuff first before checking out the rest of the site.
After reading this article, you should have a better idea about what needs to be done to design your website. Now is the time for initial planning, like creating a budget and forming a team. Once you get started, you can make a website without spending an arm and a leg.